jeudi 26 avril 2007

[WEB4LIB ] Library websites and folksonomies

Bibliographic description

ROSS Singer. [WEB4LIB ] Library websites and folksonomies. In: WEB4LIB [on line]. April 4, 2005. Available at: <> (consulted on April 9, 2007)

Dublin Core metadata

DC.Title : [WEB4LIB ] Library websites and folksonomies

DC.Creator : ROSS Singer

DC.Subject : Library website

DC.Description : Presents the project of a library to include folksonomic tagging into its website and the positive persperctive it offers.

DC.Publisher : WEB4LIB

DC.Contributor :

DC.Date : 2005-04-04

DC.Date.modified : 2005-05-18

DC.Type : Text

DC.Format : Text/html

DC.Identifier :

DC.Source :

DC.Language : En

DC.Relation :

DC.Coverage :

DC.Rights :

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