Bibliographic description
WEBER, Jonathan. Tags and subject headings in librarything. Dystmesis [on line]. November 17, 2006 Available at:> (consulted on March 28, 2007)
Dublin Core metadata
DC.Title : Tags and subject headings in librarything
DC.Creator : WEBER, Jonathan
DC.Subject : Controlled vocabulary, library website, tag
DC.Description.tableOfContents :
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Properties of folksonomy
- Folksonomy as uncontrolled vocabulary
- Folksonomy as social system
- The example of librarything
- Analysis
- Conclusions
- References
DC.Publisher : WEBER, Jonathan
DC.Contributor :
DC.Date : 2006-11-17
DC.Type : Text
DC.Format : Text/html
DC.Identifier :
DC.Source :
DC.Language : En
DC.Relation :
DC.Coverage :
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