Bibliographic description
GOLDER Scott A., HUBERMAN Bernardo A. The structure of collaborative tagging systems [on line]. Available at: <> (consulted on April 9, 2007)
Dublin Core metadata
DC.Title : The structure of collaborative tagging systems
DC.Creator : GOLDER Scott A., HUBERMAN Bernardo A.
DC.Subject : Bookmark, classification, collaborative tagging system, folksonomy-based service, information organization, shared information, tag, tagging, taxonomy
DC.Description.tableOfContents :
- Abstract
- Keyword list
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Tagging and taxonomy
- 2.1. Semantic and cognitive aspects of classification
- 3. Delicious dynamics
- 3.1. The data
- 3.2. User activity and tag quantity
- 3.3. Kinds of tags
- 4.1. Trends in bookmarking
- 4.2. Stable patterns in tag proportions
- 5. Conclusion
- 6. References
DC.Publisher : Information Dynamics Laboratory, HP Labs
DC.Contributor :
DC.Date : 2006
DC.Type : Text
DC.Format : Text/pdf
DC.Identifier :
DC.Source :
DC.Language : En
DC.Relation :
DC.Coverage :
DC.Rights : © 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.